A corrugated is a type of cardboard sheet that is made of sheet of corrugated cardboard with the three layers of cardboard sheet paper. The interior layer in cardboard is the middle layer and is made up of wavy paper which is also called corrugated medium that provide extra strength and support to the cardboard. During manufacturing process, the inner sheet is folded to create air gaps and make it in wavy shape and then it is glued between two sheets of cardboard which are the exterior covering of corrugated cardboard. The three layers lining of a corrugated cardboard is stronger than a regular cardboard. Corrugated shipping boxes are made of different sheets of corrugated cardboard according to the weight of material used to kept. The cardboard are trimmed and folded to make groove or ridge shape. The corrugated box is made by sandwiching the wave-patterned sheet between two layers of paper. The Wave like sheet stuffed between the paper is known as the Flute. The Flute absorbs m...